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Major Event Organisers Forum (MEOF)

Meeting Minutes

Report of a meeting of the Major Event Organisers Forum (MEOF) held at

the Real Club Nautico de Palma on Thursday 5 November 1998 at 1000.

See attached for attendees.

The Chairman, Mr John Bourke, welcomed the meeting and said he was encouraged by the number of attendees who represented many clubs and organisations.

Report of the meeting held on 1 August 1998.

The point was made clear that "events" rather than "clubs"should host future meetings. The report was then accepted as a correct record. The Chairman said that the purpose of this meeting was to start action.


David Minords drew the meetings attention to the ISAF Executive submission on media rights. This submission stated

Council is invited to consider the following draft wording for a Media Rights Regulation, for review and final approval at the 1999 mid-year meetings

1. (a) Communication or interaction via the Internet, or other system with information including, but not limited to, statistics, rules, bulletins, calendars, news and results and

(b) To transmit them on audio visual and/or audio visual live and/or delayed covering of an event

2. The first owner of all new media rights of any event using the ISAF Racing Rules of Sailing shall be the International Sailing Federation (ISAF).

3. No class association, club or person or any combination thereof, may negotiate or enter into or benefit from any cash act for the grant of any new media rghts in respect or any event except with the express written consent of ISAF. Such consent to be exercised in accordance with guidelines to be issued from time to time.

With regard to the situation as it affected Volvo, Mr lan Bailey Willmot said that Volvo had been given assurances and the threat to them had gone away. Mr Willmot added that ISAF seemed to think that there was money to be made whereas his experience with the round-the-world race proved otherwise. This sort of action was making sponsors nervous and would no doubt make finding sponsors more difficult. Mr Willmot was also concerned


at proposed changes to (87.1E) "who can organise events"and the proposal that ISAF should control the appointment of International JurieS. Many events were experiencing a drop in numbers and to was not the time to "rock the boat" Mr Robert James confirmed that the recent situation between the organisers of the America's Cup and ISAF had been settled but with some difficulty.

However no precedents had been Set. Mr James thought it did not auger well for the future and the matter needed further attention. Mr Fernando Bolin (ISAF) pointed out that this submission still had to be approved by Council. He urged interested parties to attend the Council meeting and speak out and well as lobbying outside the meetings. Mr Bolin added that if enough was said from the floor and .through National Authorities it would be heard.

The meeting felt a strong message should be sent to ISAF on this matter. The Chairman would write a letter on behalf of the Forum expressing universal concern of Minute 25 - Media Rights. Mr Emilio Feliu said he wished to consult with his National Authority but would be happy to express the concern of the group at Council. The Chairman urged individuals to consult with their NA and to speak at the Council meeting.


Pro/Am Rules.

The proposal was to establish a central rule through ISAF which organisers could take and use when appropriate. The Chairman enquired on progress Mr Bolin reported that the situation was still being studied by ISAF it was complicated and there was no clear picture at the moment. The RYA had put in a submission which was a code based on the US system but with European changes. Mr James commented that the US had a workable system but it was not foolproof.

The message from the Forum was to encourage ISAF to continue working on this subject.


Event Co-ordination

The Chairman said he would now wished to move forward in a practical way and to start gathering information which would be put on a database. Members of the Forum would be asked to supply information about their event including the Notice of Race, addresses and contact numbers for key people, dates for future events as far forward as possible. This information could eventually be published on a Website.

Headed paper for the MEOF would also be produced.


The gathering of information would be done by the RORC as soon as possible. Agreed that in the first instance information would be circulated using e-mail with a view being taken on a Website at a later stage. It was recognised that many clubs/organisers already had sites and to add to this might not be productive at the moment. Links between sites was possible but needed If members knew of something particularly important on a site they should try and keep others informed by making them aware of which sites to look at.


Crew/Boat Swap

The Chairman suggested the a letter should go to event organisers asking what can be done to help provide boats and crews from other countdes. It was recognised that every event was different, the concept swapping was good but the execution could prove difficult. However if event organisers could swap information on what was available and what was being sought it might prove possible to help make some events far more international.

It was recognised that some events already did a great deal to help in this direction but the commitment to help from the Forum would add to what was already being done. One Designs were the easiest way to achieve charters/swapS. The attraction for the charterer was to just arrive with crew and sails and find a boat they could handle ready to go.

Clubs were a source of information as they had knowledge of their members and could identify those looking for charter arrangements. In the UK at present there was a group looking to charter for the Southern CroSS. The Copa del Rey had been successfully arranging charters for South American teams for some years which great enhanced the international flavour of the event. Advice and information on how events can achieve such success could also be passed on to others through the Forum.

With regard to Champagne Mumm Admiral's Cup, Terry Robinson, said that the Management Committee would be considering (at their meeting in March 1999) the replacement boat for the Mumm 36. Whether this should be a one design or level rating boat was still being discussed. Any input from the Forum would be appreciated.

Mr Genitempo thought that team events and open events had different problems and to find an International One Design would be a "miracle". Mr Genitempo added that the Offshore classes committee of the ORC were looking at ILC Rules changes. They were looking for a simple rating band in lieu of the complex parameters currently used for the ILC classes. The design offices felt that any level class rule must be kept very simple with a rating band that initially allowed a large number of boats that could later be fine-tuned by an owner's association and that could remain as competitive as possible in the fleet. Decisions would be taken at the Council meeting on Saturday and Mr Genitempo would ensure that the Forum was kept informed.

Liability Insurance

Another area where communication within the Forum might help was the question of liability insurance. Mr Robinson said that the Race Director of the RORC, Alan Green, had already offered to compare notices of race and provide a "best practice .



A draft had been circulated to members. The Chairman said he intended this to be short and crisp in an attempt not to make the Forum too formal or constitutional. A representative from ORC & ISAF would be invited to meetings in order that there should be no misunderstandings. Members of the Forum would, of course, remain working with and through their own National Authorities and thence through the ORC & ISAF. The Forum existed to have a collective view and assist the sport by communicating.

Only two items in the Mission statement would be voted on, being the. Chairman of the session for the time being and the Location and timing of next meeting and/or session.

Revised Statement - attached.


Any other business

The Chairman commented that at the moment the Forum was not costing any money. In time this may change and a view would have to be taken on making a small charge to events who wished to be represented on the Forum.

The matter would be reviewed.

DATE OF NEXT MEETING. Saturday 10 July 1999 1430 at the Royal Yacht Squadron, CoWeS. A dinner will be held at the RYS that evening further details will follow in due course.

Mr Minords suggested that another meeting might be held during the ORC/!SAF meetings in November 1999. A decision would be taken at the July meeting.

Thanks were expressed to the Real Club Nautico de Palma for hosting the meeting.



Meeting Plama de Mallorca, 5 November 1998


John Bourke   Chairman

Gianfranco Alberini Yacht Club Costa de Smeralda

Volker Andreae    Norddeutscher Regatta Verein

Fernando Bolin    ISAF

Kjell Borking    Swedish Sailing Federation

Estanislao Duran   Monte Real Club de Yates Bayona

Ecky von der Mosel  Kieler Yacht Club

Emilio Feliu    Real Club Nautico de Palma

Don Genitempo   ORC

Jaime Ensenat   Real Club Nautico de Palma

Pierre Fehlmann  OMYA

Jose Frers     Yacht Club Argentino

Robert James    New York Yacht Club

Pasquale Landolfi  Y C Punta Ala

David Minords    Royal Ocean Racing Club

Ken Morrision    Kenwood

Manuel Nadal    Real Club Nautico de Palma

Endque Puig    Copa del Rey

Terry Robinson   Royal Ocean Racing Club

Peter Rutter    Royal Ocean Racing Club

Chema Sans     Real Club Nautico de Palma

Francisco Tejedor Real Club Nautico de Palma

lan Bailey Willmot  Volvo

J Grosvenor     Secretary




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