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● 2016オリンピック・パラリンピック 

Tokyo 2016 Olympics invite

The next Olympics after London will be Tokyo!!
Japan Sailing is working toward Tokyo 2016 Olympics at full sail!!

JSAF’s profile and history for Olympics

Japan Sailing is established as the organization representing sailing sports in Japan. The purpose of this organization is to promote sailing sports and marine events by governing sailing sports regardless of types of activities in sailing.
The primary activity of this organization is managing competitions, but not limited to competitions, we are also enhancing several activities such as training session for safety, registration of sail, research for hazard prevention, contact with domestic and international organizations, and campaign regarding protecting sea environment. We report these activities to outside through website and journal.
The first yacht race in Japan was taken place in Yokohama in 1875. Japan Yacht Association (JYA), the forerunner of Japan Sailing Federation (JSAF), was established in 1932, and joined in International Yacht Racing Union (now as called ISAF) in 1935, and participated in the Berlin Olympic Games in 1936 for the first time in our history. Since the time, we are sending the national team to all Olympics except for Melbourne (in 1956), Mexico (in 1968), and Moscow (in 1980). We are very proud that Japanese sailors won a silver medal at 470 women in the Atlanta (in 1996), and a bronze medal at 470 men in Athens (in 2004).

JSAF Vice President
  Hirobumi Kawano
Laser Radial World Championship http://www.karatsu-sports.jp/yacht/english.html
Taser World 2009 http://www.tasarworlds.sakura.ne.jp/index.html

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